Fireplace Room

Rooms in the Palace
  • standardowa czcionka
  • Największa czcionka
  • barwa dla niewidomych
  • Fireplace Room
  • Fireplace Room

Fireplace Room

The Palace Fireplace Room, originally called the Social Room or Billiard Room, rectangular with an original fireplace in noble white Carrara marble situated on the long wall. The marble frame of this unusual fireplace is covered with a floral vase with a central figure of a half-leaning old man wearing a laurel wreath, possibly an allegory of a river. There is also a cast-iron mantelpiece with the Leliwa coat of arms and an antique mirror in a gilded frame.

The interior is in tones of warm yellow with white stucco, lit by large windows.

The Fireplace Room in an amphitheatre leads to the smaller Pompeian Room.

The Fireplace Room is the ideal place to hold lectures, workshops, business meetings, as well as family gatherings: christenings, communions, anniversaries. During large special events, it is used as a place where meals are served.

Fireplace Room area: 90 m2, measuring 11 m x 8 m.

Maximum number of persons: