Family celebrations

Unforgettable moments
  • standardowa czcionka
  • Największa czcionka
  • barwa dla niewidomych
  • Family celebrations, anniversaries

Family celebrations, anniversaries

For all occasions when we want to get together with our loved ones or friends in a larger group, we have wonderful solutions. Birthdays, name days, wedding anniversaries, jubilees and other family events can gain a completely new setting in the elegant and stylish interiors of Jabłonna Palace.
At your disposal are the beautifully unique rooms in the Palace with different areas, the space in the Orangery, the underground room in the Palace Restaurant or the open air in the park.
Choose a venue that captivates you and we will take care of organising an event that you will remember fondly.

Contact about the offer:
+48 507 104 572 +48 535 608 628 +48 531 093 982;